In the past two weeks:
I have seen police driving (non emergency related) down the wrong way on a one way street three times simply because they are lazy.
I have seen on duty policemen telling a chiney to give them a beer or else they will take them in for illegal boledo (BTW, why the heck won't GOB enforce the boledo laws..but that is for next week).
I have seen police officers urinating on the Baron Bliss lighthouse, in Dolphin Park and in the grass outside Friendship restaurant.
I have seen policemen illegally drinking on duty twice. Once at Celina's, and once at Sen Sen shop.
This morning, a white Focus police car almost ran me off the road whilst they were trying to overtake a bus on the curve by Raul's. I can assure you my eyes we as big as saucers while I disturbed the nicely littered grass shoulder. They never even bothered to stop.
I have seen a certain police officer drop his kids to school at SCA in "his cruiser" at least 4 times during this period.
And don't even ask about littering, my list of beer bottle throwing, banana skin shedding and water bag heaving police incidents would keep you here so long, BTL's profits would double!
I used to report this kind of stuff, but all I ever got was attitude and disdain from Queen St. Clearly they are more interested in the conversation going on in the room off to the side about what Shelmadine was doing last night that taking my complaint.
All of these "little" infractions are illegal and all of these seen by just one citizen, me. Imagine how much other law breaking stuff goes on with the other police folk. If they can't obey the laws they are sworn to enforce, then no wonder most of the public breaks it too. The police must first lead by example, as cruffy won't follow the hypocrites.
Come on police, help us and we might help you.
Me done taak!
1 comment:
Boy, I feel you! I had to past Queen St. Police Station every day in my uniform to catch the bus. I can't tell you the amount of whistles and cat calls I got. Hell, once the former Police Press Officer told me something inappropriate when I was passing the Leo Bradley. I was so shocked.
If you call Queen St. and they ignore you, what else can you do? Little infractions surely lead to larger ones.
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