Thursday, October 16, 2008

Depression & Dilapidation

So, as I drove into Belize City from the airport this morning these were my observations.

1) Potholes, potato holes, elephant holes EVERYWHERE. Drivers dodging the ones they can, but in the end they get you. Every year it is the same excuses. Find the money, fix the road and stop blaming the swamp and rain. If we can send a man to the moon, then surely we can solve this.

2) Uncut medians....they look as though they haven't been cut in months....wait...they haven't. Get on with it Citco.

3) Skyscraper grass on every open lot. For God's sake Citco..make yourself some money and clamp down on these people and start issuing political will.

4) Garbage EVERYWHERE....and no Mr Dean O. this is not business house garbage that you claim is the problem..these are water bags, soft drink bottles, and BBQ containers. The stuff that plain ole prideless citizens deposit wherever they feel like.

5) Busses stopping every 10 feet. Can we please open the book on the world standards on bus stops. This is so easy to correct with a little management and enforcement.

6) School kids and workers dashing across the highway wherever they feel like it. Not only are they not using the overhead walkway, but they are jay walking all over the highway. Not only is it dangerous but it doesn't help the traffic situation at all.

7) Street Signs down. What little there are have fallen and can't seem to get up. Yes, the same "make up a sign color that is not international standards" fluorescent green ones that say we should go 15 MPH. I have a book on Sign Standards if Citco would like to borrow.

8) Clogged drains. Not only are they clogged but they are overflowing with marrass.  Yuck!

So, when you combine all of this with the general lack of zoning and untidiness of the city, why would anyone in their right mind want to live in Belize City or must less come and visit.

And we wonder why everyone is fleeing Belize and tourists are rating Belize city as a horrible experience.

Please do something Citco...I am begging you.